Please note that these positions are open to UK applicants only

Machine / Production Operative

We are urgently seeking A HGV Class 2 Driver to work nights, The client is based in Coventry and will accept A new pass driver, this role will involve manual handling and you will be required to complete between 4-6…

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Launched in 2009 QS Care has grown substantially and in the last 12 months alone have provided both temporary and permanent staff to over 170 establishments. 

We can create opportunities and as a result find the right job for you or offer you extra hours around your existing job.

  • Are you looking for a new job on a full-time or part-time basis?                                                                                                           
  • Looking to return to work after a break from the industry?                                                                                                   
  • Not getting enough hours from your existing employer?     

We recruit for – Healthcare Assistants, Senior Care Assistants, Deputy Managers and Managers for Hospitals, Nursing, Care and Residential Homes

Join QS Care because we have worked in this industry for over 23 years and for that reason understand that you are not a round peg to be placed into a square hole!

We respect your individual needs and work with you to therefore ensure we have a mutually beneficial relationship.

Our work begins from the moment that you apply for a position with us and we can place a candidate into a suitable position swiftly.

If you are searching for Care Home jobs QS Care are the agency to contact!

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