Immediate starts available working in the Bolsover area.
As a care assistant you’ll help residents enjoy each day by making sure they get the quality care and support they deserve. You’ll assist with daily living, providing support and companionship – and sharing great moments and memories too. It’s a chance to bring your dedication and compassion to a fulfilling environment. Every day will be different, so you can expect to undertake work that’s as varied as it is rewarding. As a Bank Care Assistant, you could be doing anything from supporting residents with their food and drink and following care plans to ensuring that each of our residents has one-to-one time. It’s an opportunity to put your skills to meaningful use and develop your career.
To apply for this role, you must:
Have 12 months experience within a UK Care Home Setting
Able to provide references covering the last 2 years of work
Have an in-date enhanced DBS check dated within the last 6 months, ideally on the update service if not
Please attach a CV when applying for the role